The charity project Sundarijal Children’s Home supported by Sahayata e.V.
In Winter 2009/2010, some children arrived in Boudha, a district of Kathmandu, for a meal serving in an alley kitchen, who were completely lost, living on the streets or who came out of extremely problematic family environments. Many of the 5-11 year-olds were already suffering from various diseases due to their living conditions and had begun to sniff glue in order to bear their suffering more easily. Some fell under the influence of older youth that were living on the streets, who used the children to get alcohol and glue.
Although there are several good charity projects for homeless children in and around Kathmandu, it wasn’t possible to find a suitable accommodation for the children at that time. Ram Hari KHADKA – who himself grew up in a children’s home in Kathmandu and is experienced through his work for two charity organizations – decided for that reason to rent a house in the countryside Sundarijal, to furnish it with the bare necessities and house and look after the children there. Thereafter, more children in hardship came, so that it has been necessary to move two times since then in order to offer enough space for everyone.
Meanwhile, 20 children live in the children’s home in Sundarijal, who are nourished, medically treated and cared for by social workers. Those old enough have the possibility to attend school. On top of that, everything is done to justly meet the rest of the children’s needs (music, sports, group excursions), provided the resources are available.
Since the founding of this project, time has passed and the former homeless children have developed remarkably. Most of them achieve good grades in school, are healthy, were able to overcome the addiction to glue and appear to be very happy.
The children’s home has been visited by Sahayata members every year up to now.
Sahayata e.V. tries to help through donations and active support, so that the children have their place in the large “family” and that other homeless children obtain a perspective in the future.
You can find further details about the project in Sundraijal at the website